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2021-01-26 17:55:44 暂无评论 抖音培训




he day that you see me ldand I am already not, hav patience and try to understand me … If I get dirty when eating… if I cannot dress… have patience. Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times… Do not interrupt me… listen to me When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep… When I do not want to have a shower,neither shame me nor scold me…

he day that you see me ldand I am already not, have patience and try to understand me … If I get dirty when eating… if I cannot dress… have patience. Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times… Do not interrupt me… listen to me When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep… When I do not want to have a shower,neither shame me nor scold me…

he day that you see me ldand I am already not, hav phttps://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/EpAuV5ANeFqv2U9qRY5i8Aatienc and try to understand me … If I get dirty when eating… if I cannot dress… have patience. Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times… Do not interrupt me… listen to me When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep… When I do not want to have a shower,neither shame me nor scold me…

You have your background and I have mty. Ifou don't understand my















he day that you see me ldand I am already no,hae ptence and try to understand me … If I get dirty when eating… if I cannot dress… have patience. Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times… Do not interrupt me… listen to me When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep… When I do not want to have a shower,neither hame me nor scold me                                                                                     


patience. Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times… Do not interrupt me… listen to me When you were small, Ihad to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep… When I do not want to have a shower,neither shame me nor scold me…

you wanted to that you wanteRemember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses 


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