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2021-01-04 15:18:32 暂无评论 抖音培训


你就慢慢跟我处 处不好你自己找原因


你就慢慢跟我处 处不好你自己找原因




"That's easy. I'll ask the director to give Ye Mei a dormitory." Horsemen said.

Lin Gang immediately agreed: "I have a good relationship with the director of the factory management logistics, this should be no problem."

Only Xia Zhixin bowed his head in silence, full of thoughts.

I guess xia zhi xin is thinking about how to fill in the gutter. Wu elder sister listened to ma Bing and Lin Gang's answer was very disappointed, this is not the result she needs, so, she is also full of expectations for Xia Zhixin.

In fact, in these three boys, I also have the most favorable impression to Xia Zhixin, he is handsome, brain melon son is also agile, still know romance, he is the boy that pursues me, only write love letter to me.

The second day evening, I returned to the dormitory, the sisters in the dormitory are talking and laughing, and, the window of the dormitory was opened for the first time, not only did not gutter peculiar smell in the dormitory, but also filled with a sweet scented osmanthus aroma. Sister Wu was especially excited and led me to the window. "My little trick worked yesterday," she said proudly. When I look, see windowsill spread a layer of sweetscented osmanthus, as big as rice, one by one, dense, at least say there are thousands of, the pale white flowers, sending out a rich aroma, refreshing. The gutter outside the window, though not filled up, had been cleaned and, apparently, had been rinsed with water, clean and spotless.

"Who could have done this? Which of the three of them?" Sister Wu asked me. I only feel refreshed, spirit for one shock, I thought of Xia Zhixin, yesterday only he silenced, only can be him, and, I also hope it is him.

So, the next day when I saw Xia Zhixin, I decided to thank him. But before I could speak, he suddenly, mysteriously, told me he would take me to see something. I asked him what it was, but he wouldn't say. I followed him to a residential area outside the factory, and he showed me into a small, clean, well-furnished house. He asked me, "Do you like it? I'll rent the house if I like it, and we'll live here."

I froze, then face fever, heart hair: "you let me, let me and you..." I still don't have the courage to say the word "cohabitation." Xia Zhixin says urgently however: "I like you. Besides, this way, you won't have to suffer in that dorm room."

I felt insulted. xia Zhixin bowed his head to meditate yesterday, thinking out, was such an idea. So he didn't wash gutter? He didn't put the osmanthus? "I said:" with those osmanthus, in the dormitory is no longer suffering, but enjoy. Xia Zhixin a face ignorant: "Osmanthus? What osmanthus?" I this just thoroughly clear, a word all don't say, angrily walk away, xia Zhixin a person hang over there stare at nothing.

Since then, our dormitory windowsill on a day of osmanthus change, put on the osmanthus more fresh, more fragrant, but still dense, thousands of flowers. And the small ditch outside the window, also always be washed clean by the person, have no peculiar smell. This happened every day for half a month.

Who is doing this in silence? This was a great temptation for me, and I decided to find out who it was.


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