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2020-12-12 15:43:53 暂无评论 短视频综合


直播带货很火,每个人都知道,但是真让你分析里面的一些东西,你也未必能理清思路,因此我一边分享如何分析,一边讲解相应的英文表达,这样你在考研英语写作中就不用愁不知道写什么,不会英文表达了,考研压力大,但是一定是吃好喝好,顺便推荐几款非常流行的日式酱油,喜欢的朋友可以联系陟小姐,电话 158 0199 4342


e-commerce live streaming 电商直播

11.11 Global Shopping Festival 双11全球购物节

watch live streams 观看直播

live streaming channels 直播频道

live stream shopping 直播购物

gain traction 流行起来 (= popular 表达替换)

skyrocket 飞涨

focal point 关注焦点

discover new products 发现新产品

viewer 观众

lead to impulse buying 导致冲动购物

view live product reviews and demonstrations


get discounts 获得折扣

hawk products 叫卖产品

interactive 互动的

give/send virtual gifts 刷(虚拟)礼物

virtual yachts 虚拟游艇

stimulate online sales 刺激线上销售

explosive year 爆发年

respond in real-time to consumer enquiries 实时回应客户疑问

capitalise on her sales skills 利用她的销售技巧

brick-and-mortar retail stores 实体零售商店

fuse online retail and live streaming 线上零售和直播结合

elevate the shopping experience 提升购物体验

immersive 3D experience 身临其境的3D体验

virtual reality 虚拟现实

revolutionize the retail industry and consumer shopping habits 革新零售行业和消费者购物习惯


Approximately 300 million Taobao users watched live streams during the 11.11 sales period from November 1st through November 11th. 33 Live streaming channels achieved over 100 million RMB in sales. Nearly 500 live streaming channels reached 10 million RMB in sales


These results don't come as a surprise. Already gaining traction (流行起来)in 2019, live streaming’s use as a shopping channel skyrocketed in China during Covid-19 lockdowns and the medium’s popularity has continued long after China’s offline retailers re-opened. 

Alibaba made live streaming a focal point (关注焦点) this year, strongly encouraging brands to constantly live stream (both on their own brand channels and in partnership with influencers) during the holiday pre-sale period, and rewarding them with additional platform exposure and sales opportunities if they did so.
Over the past two years, live streaming has become a key shopping channel for Chinese consumers who use it as a means to discover new products, view live product reviews and demonstrations, and get discounts on their favorite items. Shoppers can click on a shopping bag icon (点击购物袋图标)within the stream to browse the products being featured in the stream and even visit the product listing and purchase the product without ever leaving the broadcast.

If the content and team are well prepared, the interactive nature of the live stream will generate higher engagement, a stronger impact on brand awareness, and higher sales conversion than other online marketing and sales channels will. Furthermore, brands can address customers’ questions in real-time (实时处理客户问题), simultaneously reducing demands on customer service associates.

Besides making up for offline sales losses, one of the key reasons for an increase in brand-run streams is a desire to have greater control over their image, market positioning, and storytelling, but it's also because they feel that e-commerce live streaming is here to stay and they see it as part of a long term strategy. 


Another way to drive traffic to brand streams is to bring in celebrities. With many celebrities experiencing less busy production schedules this year due to Covid-19, there was a massive uptick in celebrities taking part in commerce live streams as a way to stay in the spotlight while generating income.

Nearly 200 luxury brands on Tmall took part in 11.11 this year; near double the number that took part in 2019. Many of them found alternative ways to participate without offering the steep discounts the holiday is known for leveraging 11.11 as an opportunity to launch new collections (最大程度利用双11作为契机来发布新产品系列), offer limited edition 11.11 collections, or to kick off the greater holiday season.

After the explosive year that live streaming had in 2020, we can expect to see new user adoption rates decrease in 2021. To keep consumers engaged we will see the continuous iteration and introduction of features that augment the live stream experience, such as gamification, AR try-ons, and virtual influencers.








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