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php模拟微信公众平台绑定开发者数据 php 模拟微信公众平台登陆
/* Version 0.9, 6th April 2003 - Simon Willison
Further Information:
Historical Details:
Incutio Ltd

* Version 0.9b, 5th March 2008 - Rasmus Schultz
- PHP5 E_STRICT-compliant interface
- Methods reorganized in sections by functionality
- Scope and (calling convention) of all members declared
- Custom query builder replaced with PHP5-standard http_build_query()
- Embedded and updated documentation for all methods
- Cookies are now stored and maintained per-host (more secure)
- Object-to-string magic added
- More error-tolerant redirection-following

class HttpClient {


HttpClient is a client class for the HTTP protocol.

It can be used to interact with another web server from within a PHP script.

As well as retrieving information from a server, HttpClient can interact
with a server via POST or GET. It can therefore be used as part of any
script that needs to communicate with an application running on another site.

It supports basic authentication, and persistent cookies (and thus sessions).


// * Request vars:

protected $host, $port, $path;
protected $method;
protected $postdata = '';
protected $cookies = array();
protected $referer;
protected $accept = 'text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html,text/plain,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif,*/*';
protected $accept_encoding = 'gzip';
protected $accept_language = 'en-us';
protected $user_agent = 'Incutio HttpClient v0.9b';

// * Options:

protected $timeout = 20;
protected $use_gzip = true;
protected $persist_cookies = true;
protected $persist_referers = true;
protected $debug = false;
protected $handle_redirects = true;
protected $max_redirects = 5;
protected $headers_only = false;

// * Basic authorization variables:

protected $username, $password;

// * Response vars:

protected $status;
protected $headers = array();
protected $content = '';
protected $errormsg;

// * Tracker variables:

protected $redirect_count = 0;

// --- Constructor / destructor:

public function __construct($host, $port=80) {


$host: the web server host (for example, 'scripts.incutio.com')
$port: optional port number


$this->host = $host;
$this->port = $port;


public function __destruct() {
foreach ($this as $index => $value) unset($this->$index);

public function __toString() {
return $this->getContent();

// --- Query execution methods:

public function get($path, $data = null) {


Executes a GET request for the specified path.

Returns true on success and false on failure. If false, an error
message describing the problem encountered can be accessed
using the getError() method.

$data: optional - if specified, appends it to a query string as part of
the get request. $data can be an array of key value pairs, in
which case a matching query string will be constructed.


$this->path = $path;
$this->method = 'GET';

if ($data) $this->path .= '?'.http_build_query($data);

return $this->doRequest();


public function post($path, $data) {


Executes a POST request to the specified path, sending the information
specified in $data.

Returns true on success or false on failure. If false, an error
message describing the problem encountered can be accessed
using the getError() method.

$data: optional - an array of key value pairs, in which case a matching
post request will be constructed.


$this->path = $path;
$this->method = 'POST';
$this->postdata = http_build_query($data);

$result = $this->doRequest();

$this->postdata = null;


public function ok() {
// Use this after get() or post() to check the status of the last request.
// Returns true if the status was 200 OK - otherwise returns false.
return ($this->status == 200);

// --- Response accessors:

public function getContent() {
// Returns the content of the HTTP response. This is usually an HTML document.
return $this->content;

public function getStatus() {
// Returns the status code of the response - 200 means OK, 404 means file not found, etc.
return $this->status;

public function getHeaders() {
// Returns the HTTP headers returned by the server as an associative array.
return $this->headers;

public function getHeader($header) {
// Returns the specified response header, or false if it does not exist.
$header = strtolower($header);
if (isset($this->headers[$header])) {
return $this->headers[$header];
} else {
return false;






认证前后可以使用的功能不同,认证后会有更多功能。 经过认证的微信公众平台为现有基础上增加了9个新的开发接口。 通过这些接口,企业,媒体和机构的公共平台可以开发更多的微信应用。




微信公众号的用途非常广泛。 政府,媒体,企业,名人等已开始建立独立的微信公众号平台,促进个人企业的文化活动的宣传营销。

可以在设置中绑定私人微信,使用微信公众号助手批量发送消息,并随时查看发送消息的状态。 使用微信公众平台进行自我媒体活动只是一对多的媒体性活动,并且已经形成了一种主流的线上线下微信互动营销方式。


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